Friday, December 10, 2010

Countdown to Christmas - 16 Days

Baby O is down with fever. She had a few mosquito (where did they all come from!?!?) bites since yesterday and the incidences of dengue and chikungunya in Penang worries us. This time round, Baby O is not as co-operative as before and refused to have her fever-reducing medication. She kept spitting them out. She was also extremely clingy and kept wanting to be 'pao-pao'ed (carried). Her temperature raised to above 90degrees at around 2am and we decided to bring her to the hospital to get a suppository since she won't have any of the paracetamol syrup.

I have my reservations when it came to Medical Officers, General Practitioners or locums in our country due to many past experiences with them. It is rare to find one that I can truly place my full trust in. Doesn't help when I am a healthcare professional myself. This experience to the hospital only increased my skepticism.

The Medical Officer in charged was a locum. He held a torch and had a look at Baby O's mosquito bites, asked if she had any cough or cold, and started prescribing paracetamol and an antibiotic. I asked if he thinks it was a bacterial infection and he nodded. As I was not too comfortable with the antibiotic, I requested if we could just have a suppository and review Baby O's condition in the morning with her paediatrician. He looked blankly at me as if I had just spoken in a foreign language. Thankfully, a regular nurse had been observing nearby and took over the situation. She helped administer the suppository confidently and gave relevant advice. Thank You, Lord for placing Your guardian angels everywhere!

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